Connection is within workplaces. I think about how blessed I am to be able to drive into work every day and have the job that I have. I make connections every day with co-workers through daily tasks or even yearlong projects. I make connections with the members we serve through phone calls, member appreciation events and annual meetings.
Connection is within family. I think about that smile that inevitably forms across my face when I get home from work to my wife. The time we have to connect with our children and grandchildren over meals and family gatherings.
Every day we’re allowed to connect and make new memories and reminisce over old ones. It’s those everyday moments that hold such power.
Connection is within electricity. The phones we use to make calls at work. The computers we use to get our work done. The lines we repair to restore power after an outage. The lights we turn on as we return home from the day. The appliances we use to make dinner. The television we turn on and gather around as a family.
Power is found in the electricity we use every day. Broadband complements this power, keeping us connected in a digital world with speed and reliability.
Connection is especially important within electric cooperatives. Here at Gibson Electric Membership Corporation, we connect substations and meters, but those might not be the most important connections we make.
We work hard to connect with our communities, specifically with businesses, lawmakers and schools, to provide the best resources possible.
We want to connect with you — our members. We want to know your names and faces. We also want you to know our names and faces and know that we are just a call or drop in away if you need any assistance.
This type of connection allows Gibson Electric to energize every moment, and we hope you will join us in doing so.