Can you find the flag?
We have hidden somewhere in this month’s magazine the icon from the Tennessee flag like the one pictured here. It could be larger or smaller than this, and it could be in black and white or any color. If you find it, send us a postcard or email us with the page number where it’s located. Include your name, address, phone number and electric cooperative. One entry per person. Three winners will be chosen from a random drawing, and each will receive $20.
Note that the icon we hide will not be on an actual flag or historical marker, will not appear on pages 20-25 and will not be placed in any ads. This month’s flag will not appear on this page (that would just be too easy). Good luck!
November Flag Spotters
Thanks for the postcards and emails again this month identifying the correct location of the flag, which was found on the the wall of Cootie Brown’s on page 18
Winners are drawn randomly from each month’s entries. November’s lucky flag spotters are:
- Tanya Sanford, Alamo, Gibson EMC
- Keaton Smith, Doyle, Caney Fork EC
- Terry Kemp, Jasper, Sequachee Valley EC