My introduction last month hit a reminiscent tone, and I ask our patient readers to indulge me again. As I put ink to paper (figuratively … I’m not as “old school” as Antsy McClain — see page 10), my two daughters are settling in with new routines at new schools. Our oldest is now a high school freshman, and the youngest is off to sixth grade.
Over the last week or so, social media memories have showered me and my wife with photos from past first days of school. It’s been fun remembering the changing hairstyles and favorite colors of these two kids as they started each new school year. Each smile might have a hint of nervousness, but more evident is excitement — for new challenges in the classroom and catching up with friends separated during summer.
Along those lines, The Tennessee Magazine has some exciting developments coming down the pike in a few months. And that has us curious about how the magazine has touched its readers over nearly 70 years.
Do you have special memories tied to The Tennessee Magazine? For a favorite dinner, did your mother pull out a worn, creased page saved from the magazine years earlier? Does your family compete for an ice cream sundae in a high-stakes contest to see who is the first to find the flag? Did you appear in the magazine, showcasing a special skill or achievement?
We want to hear from you. Email your stories about The Tennessee Magazine to [email protected]. We’ll share more details in future editions of the magazine as well as on our social media channels, but this is your friendly heads-up that exciting things are coming soon!
Thanks for sharing your stories, and, as always, thanks for reading,

Chris Kirk
Editor, The Tennessee Magazine