We are consistently impressed with the talent of our young people across Tennessee. This month was no exception as we opened the hundreds of entries from throughout the state and began the difficult process of choosing the best for publication in The Tennessee Magazine. We narrow entries down based on a variety of criteria, not the least of which is the artist’s ability to touch the heart and make us feel something. The best art, whether it be visual, musical or otherwise, leaves an emotional mark upon the viewer. Congratulations to our winners this month. Keep up the good work.
Next Article It’s Just Stuff

Ron Bell
Ron Bell has been the designer of The Tennessee Magazine since December 1995. He also occasionally writes articles for the magazine and travels throughout the state, helping Tennessee’s electric cooperatives tell their story. He has designed logos for Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative and Mountain Electric Cooperative as well as T-shirts, posters, brochures and publications for TECA and co-ops throughout the state. Ron is also the creator and lead singer for his band, The Trailer Park Troubadours. Calling it “a hobby that got out of hand,” his musical pursuits have taken him across the U.S., to Canada and to Europe.