I am interested in finding out more about this silver service set. Each piece is engraved with “mCb.” It was a gift from a family member who was an antiques dealer.
Dear Annie,
Your gift is a six-piece tea service made by Gorham Silver Company in the Buttercup pattern. The pattern was introduced in 1899. To enhance the depth of the flowers, a bit of tarnish was left in the garlands to show off the intricacy. Based on the marks, the manufacture date of your sterling is 1949 to the early ’50s.
The set consists of coffee and teapots, covered sugar, creamer and a waste bowl. The extra kettle on a stand with burner isn’t included with typical sets but a lovely addition. Similar sets sell for $2,000 to $5,500. Your set is clearly marked “STERLING,” which means the metal is 92.5 percent silver. The monogram will affect value only slightly.
The tray beneath the set does not match. If it is marked sterling, the value of the set would increase by $500 to $1,000.
Pieces of silver like pitchers and platters used to hold food and drink are called “holloware.” The pieces of silver placed beside our plates and used to put food into our mouths are “flatware.”
Serving tray
Dear Connie Sue,
Attached are pictures of a chip and dip serving bowl my husband and I found in an antiques store.
The woman said she thought it was from the ’50s.
It swivels like a lazy Susan, and its arms retract. It has no markings other than “patent pending” stamped on the bottom of the metal and “USA 286-R” on the bowls.
I have researched but can’t find anything even similar to it. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Julie, Murfreesboro
Dear Julie,
I couldn’t find an exact match for your expanding lazy Susan with white metal base either. Shawnee Pottery offered various metal-base snack servers as did other American pottery producers. New things and better ideas were the motive for continuing sales. I feel confident agreeing with the seller that it is midcentury American.
Deep-green pottery with a frosting of white on the edges was popular in the ’50s. Many pottery companies stamped “USA” on their wares and often added a foil or paper label to claim production.
Dear Connie Sue,
Table and mirror
I purchased this table about 24 years ago for $200. The glass top is removable. Some say it is a butler’s table. I purchased the matching end tables at an auction. Our previous home was an English Tudor, and the antiques really were suited for the house. Our current home has a more modern look to it. Therefore, I am looking at getting rid of various an-tique pieces. I never checked into the value of the table.
Dear Johnny,
Sturdy, glass-tray tables with carving and marquetry inlay made after 1910 sell today for $400 to $800. If the table wobbles, the glass in the tray is loose or the marquetry is faux (painted or decaled), the value decreases by a third. If the carved cabriole leg has the bust of a draped woman carved into it, the value is increased by a fourth.
Connie Sue Davenport, ISA AM, offers antique appraisal events, private appraisals and estate sale consulting services to individuals, businesses and organizations. Sign up for “IT’S JUST STUFF,” her FREE quarterly newsletter, at www.ConnieSue.com.
Send your inquiry with photos to the mailing address or email below. Only published appraisals are free. Private appraisals are available for a fee. Call 615-672-1992 for an appointment. No appraisals are given over the phone.
Connie Sue Davenport, P.O. Box 343,
White House, TN 37188
615-672-1992 • email: [email protected]